Student Organizations
Find an Organization Right for You!
Student Organizations offer fun and engaging activities to build strong connections, acquire new skills and succeed in college. Find an organization right for you or start your own!
Representing a positive, professional image of the Allied Health Department.
Heather Breaux | Faculty Liason | 409-984-6373 | |
Eursula Davis | Allied Health Co-Advisor | 409-984-6364 | |
Cynthia Arceneaux | Allied Health Co-Advisor | 409-984-6361 | |
Alpha Delta Nu is an Honor society recognizing academic excellence for nursing students.
Margaret Ross | Advisor | 409-984-6368 | |
Melanie James | Co-Advisor | 409-984-6374 | |
Promoting activities for those interested in various types of games and video games.
Sarita Medhekar | Advisor | 409-984-6373 | |
Graphic design print club dedicated to providing knowledge and activities to students.
Maurice Abelman | Advisor | 409-984-6389 | |
Phi Theta Kappa is an Honor society recognizing academic excellence at the freshman and sophomore levels.
Shannon Tanner | Advisor | 409-984-6330 | |
Desiree Pete | Co-Advisor | 409-984-6305 | |
Serving Lamar State College Port Arthur by representing student opinion, addressing campus needs through targeted programming, and providing opportunities for leadership development in order to enrich the quality of student life.
Dr. Rezvan Khoshlessan | Advisor | 409-984-6191 | |
Forming an Organization
- Have an 正规靠谱赌博软件 Faculty or Staff member as the organization's advisor.
- Have a Constitution and/or Bylaws in place at time of applying for recognition.
- Have Officers in place at time of applying for recognition.
- Fill out an Application for Recognition as a Student Organization Form and email or print and directly submit to the Student Activities Office located on the 2nd floor of the Student Center.
Thank you for your interest. Please review application packet including all required item. The submission of the Application Form and the Declaration of Non-Discriminatory Practices, in addition to the organization's constitution, is required.
Risk Management Training AttendanceStudent Organization Information Request